Contact Inky

Helpdesk Opening Hours

The Helpdesk is manned Monday-Friday 9am to 5:30pm. We don't work on Bank Holidays. We have more phone lines than people so that you can leave us a message if we're busy dealing with other callers! Please do leave us a message if we can't answer and we'll call you back as soon as we can. Unlike some Internet businesses, we offer a friendly and free of charge point of contact over the phone and use a normal geographic telephone number. No dirty tricks here!

Our Telephone Number

Call 01452 751900 and press 1 for the Helpdesk.

Our Email Address

We don't "Aim to get back to you within 72 hours" or somesuch malarky. We get straight back to you as soon as we can. If we're busy that can take several hours. If we haven't replied to you within a day, then it's safe to assume that we never got your message. Pick up the phone and call us.

If you are registered on the web site, we suggest you use enotes instead of emails.

Our Physical Address

We are based on a business park just outside the city of Gloucester. And yes, we are an actual "real" printer, not a print broker or "virtual" company. We do get asked! They sound very exciting, but we do it the dull old physical way using a skilled workforce, apprentices and modern machinery.

Inky Little Fingers Ltd.
Unit A3, Churcham Business Park

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Affordable, High Quality Printing.